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Saltscapes Blog

  1. Ages, stages, and magazines

    Truth is, I’m still recovering from the weekend. I had both a wedding and baby shower to attend (not for the same couple), and firefighting training all day Saturday and Sunday.

    We are  all embarking on new lives of sorts—a new life as a married couple, a new life as parents, a new life as a rookie volunteer firefighter.


  2. New Year Tribute

    "Be content to seem what you really are"
    Marcus Aurelius

    I was reading a marketing brief recently and came upon the above thought for the day, which is especially meaningful for me. Let me explain.
    Jim and I unexpectedly visited his family in Scotland over the holidays-Jim's mom was in rapidly declining health. We were fortunate to spend a few days at her bedside in a lovely, well-run nursing home in Falkirk.

  3. Holiday heyday

    As the holidays approach and I go into hyper planning mode—or at least contemplate its notion—I look for ways to enrich time spent with family and friends... while at the same time remaining sane. Or at least that's my story. For the time being.

    Last week I bought a dill pickle clay ornament at a church craft fair. It came complete with a note telling me to hide it on a Christmas tree, and whoever finds it will be bestowed with good luck—apparently practiced in communities with German heritage, such as on Nova Scotia's South Shore.

  4. A Meaningful Christmas

    Now that Christmas is just 2 weeks away and, according to a recent survey released today, most Canadians have at least 50 percent of their Christmas shopping left to do. We hope our magazine is helping to inspire Saltscapers to buy local as much as possible.

    Jim and I have four grown children and, since the youngest graduated in engineering last May, are all NOW employed in their chosen fields. We are blessed that 3 elderly parents are still with us and are (hint!! :)longing for the day when grandchildren join our family.