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Grilled Sweet Potato and Sausage Salad

Atlantic Seafood Chowder

Atlantic Seafood Chowder

Perhaps there's no other dish more anticipated during the holidays than seafood chowder.

Oysters Flynn Mrs Flynn

Oysters Flynn Mrs Flynn

Hodge Podge

Hodge Podge

One of my favourite cottage (or anywhere) meals is hodge podge, because of the simple preparation and huge payoff in the flavour department. Whereas sometimes hodge podge is more of a soup, this recipe combines fresh summer vegetables with a buttery cream sauce.

Curried Carrot Soup

Curried Carrot Soup

Mexican Black  Bean Salad

Mexican Black Bean Salad

  • Complexity easy
  • Origin June/July

Moroccan Chickpea Salad

Moroccan Chickpea Salad

  • Complexity easy
  • Origin June/July

NL Distillery  Dark & Stormy

NL Distillery Dark & Stormy

  • Complexity easy

NL Distillery  Salty Seaman

NL Distillery Salty Seaman

  • Complexity easy
  • Origin June/July