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Mavor’s Smoked Butter Potato Cakes


3 lb (1.5 kg) Yukon Gold potatoes
¼ lb (125 g) smoked butter (or substitute regular butter mixed with ½ tsp (2 mL) liquid smoke)
1 cup (250 mL) 18% cream
1 tbsp (15 mL) smoked paprika
1 tbsp (15 mL) summer savoury
Salt and pepper to taste
1 egg, mixed with 1 tbsp (15 mL) of milk
Flour and panko bread crumbs for coating

Peel and boil potatoes until soft. Mash with butter, cream and seasonings.

Shape into patties. Coat lightly with flour followed by egg wash. Coat with panko bread crumbs.

In a large frying pan, heat oil to 350°F ((180°C) and cook for 4 minutes.

Serve with chipotle aioli (store-bought or make your own with mayonnaise and chipotle paste to taste).

Mavor’s Smoked Butter Potato Cakes

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